1506 views | 0 0 | Last updated on Feb 29, 2016 Password
A strong password includes the use of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and special characters. A strong password generally has a minimum of 12-14 characters in length.
Here are some general guidelines pertaining the the creation of a strong password:
You can mix it up and create strong passwords -for example, "LiquidLearning!123" fits most of the above requirements. It is 18 characters long and includes upper and lower case letters, a symbol, and some numbers. But it is however fairly obvious because of the words in the phrase are found in the dictionary, the letters a capitalized in the traditional way, there is only one symbol, all the numbers are on the end and in order.
A great way to create memorable passwords which are strong is to think of a phrase.
For example- My favorite teacher from the 5th grade was Mrs. Rambo
This phrase creates the password- Mftft5gwMrs.R!!
Use the first letter of each word to generate your strong password, don't forget to include special characters!
Another example- Bethel University was founded in 1842 in McLemoresville, Tennessee